The University of Trento, Italy, has always aimed at academic excellence for the quality of teaching and research. Currently, the University has more than 16,000 students and 600 faculty members, structured into 11 Departments and 3 Research Centres and offers 15 PhD Programmes, 37 Master and 27 Bachelor degrees.
The involvement in the MOVE-ON project is undertaken by the Planning for Ecosystem Services Lab (PLANES), one of the research units of DICAM, the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento. The scientific mission of PLANES is to advance applied research about the production and use of ecosystem services knowledge to improve real-life decisions, and particularly to support urban and spatial planning processes, land-use policies, environmental assessments (EIA and SEA), and urban design. Current areas of research include the planning and design of nature-based solutions to promote health and environmental protection in cities; performance-based approaches in urban planning to enhance ecosystem services supply and benefits; ecosystem-based urban climate adaptation; methods for ecosystem services spatial assessment; and the exploration of equity issues associated to the fruition of ecosystem services in urban areas.
University of Trento (UniTrento)